We are currently hard at work on the first update to Ouch!, which we hope to submit to Apple in the next few days. The update will include many improvements based on early feedback to the game, to hopefully make some areas smoother and more intuitive... However there is also one major new feature that is being implemented:
Multi-Select in the Scene Editor!
Just double tap and drag your finger to select multiple objects at a time:
Once selected, you can move the entire group of objects quickly and easily. If you've ever started a scene, only to realize that you should have started the entire scene up closer to the top of the world, you can now make that adjustment very easily!
Not only that, but you can also delete and copy multiple objects at a time as well.
We think this addition really makes the scene editor more useful, and we're looking forward to the release of version 1.1 so that players can get their hands on it.
Many players have been sending us scenes that they have made with the in-game editor in Ouch. Below are thumbnails of what the scene looks like. For the actual scene data image files, click any of the images to jump to the gallery, which contains both the thumbnails, and the actual importable files.
How to Import Scenes 1. From the main menu, choose "Edit" 2. Touch the new scene / import scene toolbar button (bottom right) 3. Select the appropriate place to find the image (if you saved the image from safari on your device, select "stored photos", if you downloaded on your computer and synched with iTunes, choose "photo library) 4. Find the image for the scene, and select it! 5. To continue to import multiple scenes, touch the import button (top left) and choose another image.
Click on any of the images below to jump to the picasa photo gallery, where you can download the scene images.
We've had some confusion from some Ouch! players about how the custom face feature works. Ouch! actually uses 3 images for each face, 1 for each supported expression: normal, happy, and "ouch!". When you select a face in the character face screen, you can touch the buttons on the bottom left of the screen to preview the different expressions for that face:
So, when you go to create a custom face from your own images (or the camera), you will be prompted to select 3 images in a row. The menu that pop up each time tells you what expression you should choose the image for. Once you have selected all 3 images, the face can be saved. If you don't have 3 different images, you can just choose the same image multiple times.
Pro Tip: Even after you have created a custom face, you can still fine-tune the alignment of the individual images. In the face select screen, select your custom face. Then touch the button on the bottom for the expression you want to adjust. Then just use 1 or 2 fingers on the top part of the screen to drag, rotate, and scale the face image to your liking You can do this individually for each expression on the face. When you are done, select "DONE", or choose another face from the list. You will be prompted if you want to save your changes!
Here is the first of many scenes we hope to post here for Ouch! players. This is a scene based on our Hondune Games logo:
Save the image below to your iPhone or iPod Touch, and then from within Ouch! choose "Edit", and then touch the import button on the toolbar, and choose "Import fom Image", and find the saved image. The scene should import!
Ouch! is now available in the App Store for $2.99! Get it HERE!
A free Lite version is also available! Get it HERE.
"Ouch!" is a ragdoll physics game for the iPhone and iPod Touch. In the game you guide your character through various scenes, trying to cause your character to take as much damage as possible. The more damage your character takes, the higher the score.
The controls are simple:
Tilt the device to alter gravity, guiding the character into objects / walls
Touch and swipe across the screen to "nudge" the character more directly.
Use the interactive objects in the world (by touching them) to cause different reactions. Interactive objects include pinball flippers, cars, cannons, rockets, and more.
(examples of the character creation / editing screens)
Characters are fully customizable, from their body proportions, to their outfit, to their facial expressions. In fact, using images stored in your device library (or by taking pictures directly with the iPhone camera), you can put any face you want on your custom character. Character faces can actually have 3 different expressions (which change dynamically during game play) as well. Put your friends inside the game, and have fun terrorizing them! :)
(some in-game screens)
"Ouch!" comes with over 40 pre-built scenes to play around in, but the game goes much farther than that, by including a full-featured scene editor. Combine any of the over 60 different objects with walls, different backgrounds, and different rules to create your own hilarious or ingenious custom scenes. In fact, every scene included with the game was actually made using this exact editor.
(Examples of exported character and scene images)
"Ouch!" also lets players share their creations in a unique way. Both custom scenes and characters can be exported from the game as special JPEG image files (stored directly to the device's photo library). These image files can then be sent by email, posted on the web, etc. Other "Ouch!" players can import these images into the game, and the custom scene or character is recreated in their game!
This is a very unique feature, that means that we can continue to release new levels for the game (or even post popular levels from our players) here on our website after he game is released.
Have a look at the official trailer for the game:
"Ouch" is AVAILABLE NOW in the App Store for an introductory price of $2.99.